Thursday, September 1, 2011

He shoots. HE SCORES!!

Called Home

by stu pidasso

With penetrated heart,
the hero did depart.
Dragged by valkyrie;
he mumbled,
"Thou art...

Today's offering satisfies (in my mind, at least) the poetry challenges from three, count them, three different poetry sites. Check out Laura Purdie Salas' 15 Words or Less poetry exercise on Thursdays, as well as Three Word Wednesday and Wednesday's Poetry Challenge with Robert Lee Brewer over at Poetic Asides.

Per instructions, I had to write an "out of this world" poem using the three words provided (drag, mumble, penetrate) and use the picture above as a start point. I think the fifteen word "short" about a dying hero going to Valhalla covers all three bases. What do you think?


  1. You write fabulous stories,

    Please check out short story slam week 9 today.

    Hope to see you around.

